Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Perhaps there should be a petition to ban the petition to ban wind turbines

I went into the grocery store in kingsville to get some bread and saw a young woman signing a petition. I was shocked to see that she was signing a petition to ban the installation of wind turbines in the Kingsville area. The argument is that the wind turbines destroy one of their natural resources: the vista. They don't argue the fact that wind turbines are a good source of energy but they don't want to have to look at the wind turbines each day. They also seem to hint that their might be some negative environmental results, though these are not specified.
Let me know what you think about this issue. I have included the group behind the petitions website and if you google it there is information as well.


Blogger jodi said...

Those people have no vision. I would love to be able to look out my back door and see a row of those turbines spinning, spinning, spinning. Not just because of the warm-fuzzy of knowing they're powering my home; they really do give me pure aesthetic enjoyment. So much better than a smokestack.

Also: we were in Kingsville on Friday afternoon but forgot to bring with us the address/directions to your shop. Drove around downtown a bit trying to find y'all until we had run out of time and gave up. Next time we'll prepare better. But if you could see your way to posting some exterior photos (on the facebook page?) then we wouldn't make that mistake again.

5:12 AM  

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